
A delight for body, mind & soul Hot & cold Sauna bathing is a blessing for all the senses, allowing the primal forces found in the elements to have a positive effect on you. Sauna bathing is pure natural medicine – a wonderful feeling for inner and outer cleansing. Some call it sweaty fun, others call it sauna enjoyment. Saunas stand in stark contrast to the computer-controlled and high-tech world of today. And it is precisely this opposition that makes saunas as modern as ever. When taking sauna and steam baths, your body is warmed beyond its normal temperatures. This promotes the development of antibodies that may prevent against illness. Even though your heart is forced to beat faster, it is also relieved in terms of pressure. Why? It’s simple: The warmth dilates its numerous blood vessels, thereby pre- venting the heart from being exposed to high degrees of pressure. During the cool-off phase, the blood vessels again contract. This alternation between hot and cold stimulation exposes your blood vessels to sudden circulation adjustments. By the way: Good circulation is the foundation of mental and physical performance.