Sauna bathing is so healthy because of its effects: Detoxification and purification Regular sauna use generates the ideal conditions for a healthy and long life. Rejuvenation and regeneration A harmonizing balance between body, mind and soul is created on all levels. This provides the best possibilities that allow your complete being to regenerate. Good constitution and conditioning Through regular visits, you achieve a balanced effect on your warmth balance. Your internal physician will be awakened, bringing your powers of self healing into high gear. Benefits for the skin and appearance Your skin will blossom in all of its natural glory. You will improve your appearance and gain radiance. (Anti-aging effects) Renewed energy and happiness Using the sauna can have a huge influence on your hormonal balance. Refill your energy and activate your body’s own messenger substance, serotonin, which is responsible for your well-being and contributes to a satisfied soul.
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